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Elena Abdulgani


Elena has a wealth of experience in advising Romanian and international clients on M&A matters, energy and natural resources, regulatory, construction and infrastructure.

She has built a significant experience and understanding of the energy sector and renewable energy-related projects, where she advised major players on the acquisition, development (including real estate, construction, regulatory and financing related aspects) and successful sale of projects exceeding 200 MW of various wind, solar and hydro power projects.  Elena has also been a member of the first working group set up by the Romanian Wind Energy Association (RWEA) that brought amendments to the Law no. 220/2008 regarding the promoting system of energy from renewable energy sources.

In addition to her work in the energy field, Elena has advised on post-privatisation matters deriving from the sale purchase agreements concluded between the authorities of the Romanian State and private investors, on M&A transactions with a focus on transport and logistic businesses.

Currently, Elena is heavily involved in assisting SARUK (Sibiu Agnita Railway, a British organisation which supports the Romanian NGO „Asociația Prietenii Mocanitei“) in their efforts to preserve and restore to use the narrow-gauge railway between Sibiu and Agnita and Vurpăr, which is a national monument.

Also Elena deals with construction, real estate, regulation, compliance and corporate governance matters, with a focus on ethics in business.

Elena graduated from the Law School of Bucharest University in 2005, but continues to attend numerous conferences in her relevant fields of expertise in Romania and abroad.

Elena speaks English, Romanian and French. Before joining McGregor & Partners, she trained in a well-known  Romanian commercial law firm where she specialized on corporate, commercial and commercial litigation matters.

Areas of expertise: M&A, corporate and commercial, energy and natural resources, transport, construction and regulatory.