10-11 November 2016. European Ethics & Compliance Forum (the “Forum”). Neil McGregor represented McGregor & Partners and British Romanian Chamber of Commerce at the Forum, held at Intercontinental hotel and organized by the Centre for Advanced Research in Management and Applied Ethics, the European Ethics & Compliance Association and their partners.
The Forum gathered specialists from various fields involved in strengthening integrity and ethics in the business sector. Neil has been a speaker at the Forum, delivering a presentation on “Brexit and the UK’s Bribery Act 2010: has the anti-corruption landscape changed?”, focusing on the prevention measures imposed by Section 7 of the 2010 UK Bribery Act and whether the efforts of UK authorities to enforce UK Bribery Act will remain the same after Brexit.
Moreover, Neil emphasized the efforts of the UK authorities to have instated a new offence, “the failure to prevent economic crime” which would increase the efforts to go after the persons associated with a Company, which at its turn, is accountable for corrupt practices. However, Neil underlined that the measures to prevent bribery cannot work unless the corporate culture is diverted to this purpose.